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What are the SEO tools

SEO tools are software programs that help website owners and content creators improve their site’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). By using various techniques, SEO tools can help a website rank higher for certain keywords or search queries, which can result in increased website traffic and better online visibility.

Google Trends

Google Trends is a great tool to use to research popular keywords and phrases. You can use it to see how often certain keywords are being searched for, and what the relative popularity of those keywords is. This can be helpful in deciding which keywords to target in your SEO efforts.

Google Keyword Planner

If you’re serious about improving your website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs), then you need to use the right tools. Google Keyword Planner is one of the most essential SEO tools out there. It allows you to research keywords, estimate traffic for those keywords, and even get ideas for new content.

Best of all, Google Keyword Planner is free to use! All you need is to have one Google account (your gmail id you can use for the same). Simply head over to the Google AdWords website and sign in. Once you’re signed in, click “Tools” at the top of the page, then “Keyword Planner.”

Now you can start researching keywords. You can either enter a URL or some seed keywords to get started. Once you’ve entered your keywords or related query, click “Get Ideas.” which you give you list of ideas for the same

Google Keyword Planner will now show you data on the keyword, including monthly searches, competition level, and suggested bid. You can use this information to help you decide which keywords to target in your SEO efforts.

Google Search Console

If you’re serious about improving your website’s SEO, then you need to use Google Search Console. This free tool from Google gives you insights into how your website is performing in search results, and lets you submit sitemaps and individual URLs for crawling. You can also use it to find out which queries are driving traffic to your site, so you can focus your SEO efforts on the right keywords.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a powerful SEO tool that can help you track your website’s traffic and performance. By understanding how your website is being used, you can make informed decisions about how to improve your SEO strategy. Analytics can also help you identify potential customers and understand their needs.

Google Data Studio

Data Studio is a powerful data visualization tool that can help you better understand your website’s SEO performance. By connecting to your Google Analytics account, you can create customized dashboards and reports that show you exactly how your site is performing. You can also use Data Studio to compare your site’s SEO performance with that of your competitors.

Google Free Tools
Google Free Tools


Moz is a blog that covers all things SEO. They offer tips, tricks, and resources to help you improve your website’s ranking in search engines. They also have an extensive library of articles on all things SEO. So you can learn more about the topic and stay up-to-date on the latest industry news. Moz you can get all in one tool inside which provide you keyword research, Rank tracking, Site crawl, Content optimization, Link research and Analytics as well as reporting for your project. It comes with 30 day Free Trail period after that it cost you $79 per month with annual plan for an basic plan for more plans & pricing


SEO tools are very important for helping website owners and content creators to improve their ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). However, with so many different options available, it can be difficult to know which ones to use.

One of the most popular and well-regarded SEO tools is Ahrefs. Ahrefs is a comprehensive suite of tools that can help you with a variety of tasks related to search engine optimization, including keyword research, link building, and competitor analysis.

If you’re serious about improving your website’s SEO, then Ahrefs is definitely worth considering.


SEMrush is a comprehensive toolkit for digital marketers that includes a powerful suite of SEO tools. The software provides detailed insights into your website’s organic search performance, allowing you to identify and fix potential issues that could be holding back your rankings. In addition to its SEO capabilities, SEMrush also provides tools for social media marketing, content marketing, and pay-per-click advertising.

Rank Math Plugin

If you’re serious about SEO, then you need to install the Rank Math plugin. It’s one of the most popular SEO tools out there and it’s absolutely essential for helping you improve your website’s ranking in search engines. With Rank Math, you can easily track your progress and see where you need to make improvements.

Yoast SEO Plugin

If you’re serious about SEO, then you need to make sure you’re using the Yoast SEO plugin. Yoast is one of the most popular SEO plugins for WordPress and it’s loved by users and developers alike. It’s constantly updated to keep up with the latest changes in the world of SEO, and it’s packed with features that will help you boost your rankings. Help digital marketer on their on-page SEO work.

Free & Paid SEO Tools
Free & Paid SEO Tools


If you’re looking for an all-in-one SEO tool, then you should definitely check out Ubersuggest. It’s a great tool for keyword research, competitor analysis, and even link building. Plus, it’s free to use!

Bing Webmaster Tools

If you want to improve your site’s ranking in Bing search results, you can use Bing Webmaster Tools. This free service provides you with information about how Bing sees your site, what problems it has found, and suggestions for improving your site. You can also use it to submit your sitemap and track your keyword rankings.


Mangools is one of the most popular SEO tools on the market. It offers a wide range of features, including keyword research, competitor analysis, rank tracking, and site audits. Mangools is easy to use and has a clean interface. It also offers a free trial so you can try out the tool before committing to a paid plan.

Answer The Public

Answer The Public is a great tool for understanding what people are searching for online. It’s especially useful for understanding the intent behind searchers’ queries. With this information, you can create content that better meets your audience’s needs.

Screaming Frog SEO Spider

If you’re serious about SEO, then you need to be using the Screaming Frog SEO Spider. This tool crawls through your website and provides you with a comprehensive report on all of your SEO issues. It’s an essential tool for any serious SEO campaign.

Paid SEO Tools
Paid SEO Tools


Majestic is a SEO tool that allows you to track your website’s progress and performance. It also provides detailed reports on your website’s traffic, backlinks, and other key metrics.


If you’re looking to improve your SEO, there are a few tools you should definitely check out. One of them is Jasper.ai.

Jasper is an AI-powered assistant that can help you with all aspects of your SEO, from keyword research to link building with the help of quality content creation. You can get started with a free trial, so there’s nothing to lose by giving it a shot.


Siteliner is a great tool for helping you understand your website from an SEO perspective. It provides you with a comprehensive report that includes things like your website’s load time, internal linking, and external linking.

Wrap up

The SEO tools listed above are just a few of the many options available to help you improve your site’s ranking in search engine results pages. Experiment with different combinations of tools and techniques to find what works best for you and your site.

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